Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 4: "Both Hands" cover by Jay Brannan

Today is a pretty good day!  I saw Sex And The City 2 last night with some friends...Meh.  Just ok.  I honestly think it's time to hang it up and just leave it where it is.  I woke up to sunshine streaming in through my window and my cat curled up next to me...Always a good start to the day.  After doing about an hour of power stretching, I'm making breakfast and drinking some blueberry coffee (seriously one of the most delicious beverages I've had in a long while) and cooking up some veggie sausage links for breakfast before work at 2.  I don't know why I'm giving you the play-by-play of my day but there you go!  I guess I'm just kind of jazzed because I'm back to being me and happy go lucky again...Which is awesome!  Enough of the "blegh" moods and on with the sunshine and rainbows disposition that I'm so well known for!  Typically when I wake up one of the first things that I do is scroll through my iTunes library and select a song that really exemplifies the mood of the day/morning...However this morning I woke up and already had a song playing in my head...And I can't get it out!!!  Therefore I am taking it a sign from the universe that said song is the song of the day...I'm throwing in the towel and refuse to fight it!  So today I bring you Jay Brannan's cover of Ani DeFranco's song "Both Hands".  I first discovered Jay while watching the movie "Short Bus"...It's an amazing film.  If you haven't seen it yet you should definitely check it out for sure!  After seeing said flick and loving his voice I did my research/Google stalking and discovered he had an entire album out.  I was hooked ever since.  This was taken from a concert he had over in Paris...While I love Ani's version I think I prefer his over the original.  I feel like the tempo of the song and the use of just the acoustic guitar fit the lyrics and tone of the song much better than the whole production that Ani used...But both versions are amazing so you can't really go wrong in my book!  I hope you enjoy the song and have a lovely Thursday!

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